dbmig - A schema management tool for relational databases



dbmig is a schema management tool for relational databases that is fully compatible with Continuous Delivery. It aims to set and fulfill a gold standard in this area by providing the capability for full automation throughout the software development lifecycle.

dbmig is free software, meaning that anyone can use, share, and modify it. It is licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL), version 3.


The original author of dbmig, Adam Szmigin, has given presentations on the main requirements concerning the development of schema for relational databases, and the challenges facing anyone wishing to automate the process. The presentation materials are available for anyone to read below.

The presentation is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.


The user guide for dbmig can be read online.


dbmig is currently in an inception phase and is currently available only in its original source code format. Pre-release versions should follow here very soon..


If you want to help the project in any way, contact the author, Adam Szmigin, at adam@xsco.net.

dbmig is a modern C++ application, and makes use of the SOCI database library. It is currently tested with PostgreSQL on GNU/Linux, but the code is cross-platform, and SOCI is cross-database, so support for all major operating systems and database technologies is expected with the first formal release.

dbmig's source code is hosted on GitHub: https://github.com/xsco/dbmig-cpp

This Website's Design

This website's design will remain fairly mundane until the author has the spare time to build something a little prettier!